Jun 28, 2024 by Wendy Hoke

From Sweat to Sweatpants: Surviving a Summer Move in Style (or at Least, Without Heatstroke)

Moving during the summer can be a real sweat fest, but with a little creativity and a lot of air conditioning, you can survive your move in style (or at least, without heatstroke).
  1. Pack Your Sweatpants: Instead of packing your summer clothes, pack your sweatpants. Not only will they keep you cool, but they’ll also make you look like a pro mover.
  2. Ice Pack Accessories: Wear an ice pack as a necklace, bracelet, or even a belt. Not only will it keep you cool, but it will also make you the envy of all your sweaty neighbors.
  3. Sunscreen Breaks: Every hour, on the hour, apply sunscreen to your face and arms. Not only will it protect you from the sun’s harmful rays, but it will also give you a much-needed break from the back-breaking work of moving.
  4. Iced Coffee Refills: Keep a cooler of iced coffee by your side at all times. Not only will it keep you caffeinated, but it will also make you feel like you’re sipping cocktails on the beach. Just don’t forget the little umbrella.
  5. Sweat-Proof Packing Tape: Use sweat-proof packing tape to seal your boxes. Not only will it keep your boxes from getting soggy, but it will also make your boxes look like they’re ready for a day at the beach.
  6. Sweat-Proof Moving Truck: Rent a moving truck with a sweat-proof interior. Not only will it keep your belongings from getting wet, but it will also make your move feel like a spa day.
  7. Sweat-Proof Moving Party: Throw a sweat-proof moving party when you arrive at your new home. Turn on the air conditioning and hand out iced tea. Not only will it be a great way to celebrate your new home, but it will also make your move feel like a day at the beach.
So there you have it, 7 ways to survive a summer move in style (or at least, without heatstroke). Just remember to stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, and keep a sense of humor, and you’ll be sipping iced coffee in your new home in no time.

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