Safety category

Will Movers Disconnect Your Large Appliances?

Large household appliances are expensive to repair or replace. If you are moving, you may think that the professional movers will disconnect your washer, dryer, and other large appliances. However, they typically will not perform those services. Hire Professional Technicians to Disconnect Large Appliances You have options. You can disconnect and reconnect your appliances yourself. […]

May 7, 2021 by Wendy Hoke

Moving Heavy Furniture

Moving heavy furniture is always a challenge. It takes a tremendous amount of energy. You may pull some muscles or hurt your back. You may need to ask friends for help. A new piece of furniture is a pleasure in your home until you need to relocate. However, moving a heavy piece of furniture can […]

Apr 9, 2021 by Wendy Hoke

Top Reasons to Hire Professional Movers

Save Time and Money With Professional Moving Services Will a DIY move really save you money? It most likely will not save you time. Instead, you will invest a good portion of your valuable time planning, gathering supplies, and packing. And, the expenses of a DIY move can add up. A successful move takes organization, […]

Apr 2, 2021 by Wendy Hoke

10 Moving Day Safety Tips

Moving Day Safety Moving into a new residence has its challenges. And, the process can also present you with hazards. Time and money are important. Still, you want to take steps to ensure the health and safety of your family members. It’s imperative to stay safe when relocating to a new home, so we have […]

Jan 5, 2021 by Alliance Relocation

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